Barefoot Realty is the brokerage agent for the community and provides a number of services to residents. There may be some items residents are not aware of, so be sure to check the list below.
• List and market real property under the real property brokerage license.
• List and market pre-owned mobile homes that are not real property and sell new homes
under the mobile home dealer’s license.
• Rent property for residents who want to do long-term rentals.
• Consult and assist residents and nonresidents with purchasing a new home and lot or
replacing an existing home.
• Give an estimated value of a property to a resident, which any Barefoot Realty Realtor®
can do. If a resident needs an estimated value for legal or insurance purposes, Broker
Marty Pozgay can do a broker’s opinion letter for the resident.

• Answer nonlegal questions a resident may have about purchase or share documents or
guide residents to co-op’s attorney or title company if needed.
• Notarize documents for residents.
• Barefoot Realty has regular daily office hours including weekends, but each Realtor®
makes appointments when it is convenient for residents to meet.
• Give non-residents or friends and relatives of current residents who want to learn more
about the manufactured home lifestyle a tour of the community.
• We do not hard sell. Our office is a welcoming place. We try to make the real estate
process as smooth and stress-free as possible.
• Each Realtor® working at the Americana Cove office is a member of the National
Association of Realtors, the Florida Realtor Association and the Pinellas Realtor
• There are four Realtors® who work in the Americana Cove office. Use the Realtor® who
you are most comfortable with